Fictional lies on right occasions

Film diary | 2003


Film diary

Germany | Greece | 2003

DV | 54 min

Language · Greek
Subtitle · English

Filming location · Greece


A film diary about the recording process of a series of improvised music-sessions in the former warehouse of a windmill on a Greek island.
Two musicians from Thessaloniki meet for an adventurous duo: Floros Floridis comes from Jazz and Improvisation, Babis Papadopoulos from Rock. Making music together, they intermingle their roots, explore new ways of musical dialogue, discover melodies and “grooves”. The result is a special mixture of improvised Jazz-Rock-Pop full of humor, anger and sometimes a certain melancholy. A reflection of our time.
This film diary accompanies the musicians during the eleven days in which they travel to the mill, they set up the recording location, discuss, rehearse, cook, laugh, play backgammon, …make music.

Cast & Crew

Script | Director · Jeanine Meerapfel
Photography · Jeanine Meerapfel
Sound · Titos Kariotakis
Editing · Jeanine Meerapfel | Floros Floridis
Music · Floros Foridis – Reeds | Saxophone | Klarinette
Babis Papadopoulos – Elektrische Gitarre | Loops | Effects
Titos Kariotakis – Sound Engineer | Mischmeister
Production · Malena Filmproduktion


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